Husna Mansor

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" tag dari syu "
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 | 4 comments

1. Wajib jawab
2. Jujur dengan jawapan anda
3. Tag sesiapa yang anda mahu

About yourself

1. Name ? – Nur husna binti mansor
2. Nickname – una , nuna , comot ,
3. Age ? - 18 years old
4. Where do you live? – tanjung malim , perak .
5. Hobby ? – unline , unline n unline !
6. Hair colour ? - black
7. Eye colour ? - brown
8. Drink? - Coke
9. Smoke? - never
10. Done Drugs? - nope
11. Virgin? - Err yeah im a virgin !
12. Favourite Drink? - Coke
13. Favourite Food? – kfc , maggi , mom food
14. Favourite Cigarettes/Cigars? - I dont smoke
15. Whats your favourite number? – 3 , 6 , 9
16. Favourite radio station? - I dont knw
17. Favorite fast food restaurant? - kfc
18. Favourite fancy restaurant? - kfc
19. Favourite subject in school? – human biology . microbiology .
20. Favourite band ? – nta .
21. Favourite singer? – soko kowt .
22. Favourite actress/actresses ? - I dont know?
23. What is your shoe size? - 5
24. What is your favorite book? - Lurf story?or anything about friendship or lurf . wink !
25. Are you a morning person or a night person? -means?
26. Favourite word - i will lurf u more then her ! . haha .

27. Biggest fears? - my nightmare kot
28. Biggest weaknesses? - when easy fall in lurf .
29. Bad habit - I usually used those harsh words

30. Current mood ? -Frustrated

Crap things

31. Are you gay/bi/lesbian? - Im a straight person

32. Party or the Beach? -Party! or maybe beach .
33. Coke/pepsi ?
- coke
34. Doggies or Kitties? – never like !
35. Shorts or Pants? - Pants
36. T-Shirts or Long Sleeved?
- long sleeve

37. House or Apartment? -house
38. YM or MSN? - YahooMessenger
39. Lions or Tigers? –dinosour ! haha ,
40. Hairspray or Gel?
41. Bath or Shower?
42. Shoes or Flip Flops?
- depends on my style
43. Lipstick or Lipgloss?
- lipgloss
44. Pancakes or Waffles?
45. Chris Brown or Usher? –chris brown he's cool
46. Pitbull or Daddy Yankee? -Daddy Yankee kowt
47. Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise ? -Bradd Pitt
48. Salt or pepper ?
49. McDonald's or Burger King? -of course im gonna pick McD
50. CSI or Law and Order? -CSI .
51. Battleship or Monopoly?-Monopoly
52. Will Farrell or Adam Sandler? -Will Farrel
53. Red or blue?
54. Apple juice or Orange juice?
55. Love or Lust? -Lurf
56. When's the last time you had a headache? Dis evening .
57. How do you feel right now?
-wanna go back to my home please
58. Does anyone call you baby?
– never .
59. Would you ever get a tattoo? –no !
60. What's the first thing you thought of this morning? – tired !
61. What's something you really want right now? – my mom
62. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
- closed
63. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
–Err never !
64. Do you have freckles? – nope !
65. Do you always smile for pictures?
66. Do you chew your pens and pencils? -Yeap

67. What size is your bed? - Queen size
68. What is your Song of the week? – putus nyambung ! hee ,
69. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? - depends .
70. Do you still watch cartoons? -Ofcourse,bob the builder .
71. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? -No way .
72. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
– sandwich kowt . diet !
73. What is your usual bedtime?
74. Are you lazy? -Yes I am

75. What is your Chinese astrological sign? – dun noe .
76. Are you stubborn?
-Err yeap !--
77. Afraid of heights? – Yeah coz im very short between all my friends haha
78. Can you curl your tongue? – wat ?
79. Can you swim well? - Yes but not that great
80. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - Yes I can
81. Are you patient?
- Sometimes
82. DJ or band, at a wedding? -Dj would be great
83. What is your favorite lyric?
– a lot .
84. Are you a fast or slow typer? – always fast n always slow . haha ,
85. What is your most viewed website? -Blogger,Myspace,Youtube
86. Do you hate anyone?
-Mmm Muhammad amirul ! haha ,
87. Does anyone hate you? - Yeahhh some bitches
88. Do you like to get drunk? -I dont drink

89. Do you like the color black more than most colors?
– yeap ! cool wat .
90. Your thoughts on our president........? -Who?I dont know
91. Would you rather travel to Europe or Australia? – nope .
92. Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool? - both
93. Would you rather take a vacation to the ocean or a lake?
94. What's better, the last day of school or your birthday?- my bufday lol .da last day of school will make me cry . sob3 .
95. Would you skydive for $400? – nope kowt . haha
96. What's worse: a headache or a stomach ache - Stomach ache

97. What's worse: a dentist appointment or a doctor's appointment?
-Doctor appointmnt
98. Do you like the smell of gasoline? -Gasoline?Errrr i dont know is it smell
99. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? -think about my life kowt
100. What were you doing at 5pm yesterday? -dreaming about ??
101. Would you rather take a bus or a taxi? -Err bus i think

102. Would you shave your head for $500? - no way
103. If you could have any car, what would you have? -the new mini cooper . haha
104. Would you rather go back to 1985 or forward to 2025? – dun noe .
105. Are you sitting still right now? – yeap ! hee ,
106. What's cuter: a puppy or a kitten? -puppy!
107. The traffic light turns yellow. Do you accelerate or slow down? -slow down
108. Batman or Superman? -Superman
109. What's your most embarassing moment? – many moment . hee ,
111. When was the last time you cried?- I cried think bout pojan . wtf !
112. Can you use chopsticks properly? – sometimes .
113. When was the last time you had to run? – forget lol .
114. What did you do today? – shopping ! .
115. Who is your most hated teacher? – cikgu mane nta . lupe3 ,
116. TV or Internet? -Internet
117. Could you live without a TV? -Sure
118. Could you live without the Internet? -Nowayy!
119. Do you have a Myspace? –Yes .
120. Do you have a Facebook? – nope .

121. What's the first thing you do when you go online? -Look my bff acc , hee .
122. What's your favorite website? –Blogger kowt .
123. What browser do you use? (IE, Firefox, etc.)
– Firefox kowt . nta ,
124. What's your favorite bone in the human body? – dun noe laa .
125. Would you rather win Survivor or American Idol? –Survivor !
126. Where would you rather live: Africa or India? – Malaysia . haha !

127. Pirates or ninjas? -pirates
128. Vampires or werewolves? -vampires
129. What was the last thing you ate? – maggi .

130. Did you answer all of these honestly? yeap

Have you ever......

131. Made someone cry? - yeah, my ex , my siblings ,
132. Been online for more than 10 hours in a row?
–erm . yeah
133. Been caught cheating? – never .
134. Have you ever got into trouble with the law? – never .
135. Have you ever fallen for your bff?
-err yeah !!!!!
136. Have you ever felt alone?
-I always feel alone
137. Have you ever had braces?
–will wear it .
138. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Did you win?
- never . I dun like that .
139. Have you ever been to West Virginia?
-err where is it?
140. Have you ever drank spoiled milk?
141. Have you ever broken a bone? -belum lagik
142. Ever watch soap operas?
- uh?
143. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
– nope .
145. Ever take dance lessons?
– nope .
146. Ever won a spelling bee?
– never ! haha .
147. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
-haha always:P
148. Ever been in love?
-5o% . Haha .
149. Ever have plastic surgery?
- i wish i could get one
150. Wet your pants?
- what the?
151. Coughed so hard you hurt your back?
152. Dated someone shorter than you?
- haha . ta pena ,
153. Had a nightmare about drowning?
154. Snuck out?
- hehe forget lol .
155.Cheated on a bf/gf?
–yeah . almost 4 week ago .
156. Killed someone?
- nearly
157. Hated someone but loved them at the same time?
-yeahhh . I feel like that now .
158. Tried killing yourself -
ahaa almost evrytime esp when i fall in lurf
160. Regret anything?
– nta .
161. Done something stupid?
162. Thought someone crying was funny?
163. Wanted someone to die?
– yes ! to mirul ; mati la kaw !
164. Cried over something dumb?
165. Been in a fight?
-ahha yeap . wif shu ryte now .
166. Been dumped?
- yeahhh
167. Missed somone?
– faudzan , ex student smk kejo o8
168. Talked on the phone for 3 hours straight?
– last week .
169. Been to hospital?
- yeah . next sem for practical . hee ,
170. Been kicked out of school?
- nearly ahha
171. Have you ever done something bad and you still havent told your parents?
– never . but I’ll tell my bro . ily abg !
172. Have you ever broke someone's heart ?
173. Have you ever done something a long time ago and just now regret it
-yea abt smthng .
174. Cried yourself to sleep
- almost evry nght . imy faudzan , sory .
175. Fallen down the stairs
–wat ? haha
176. Ignored someone till they stopped talking to you for good
- yeahh
177. Met someone who changed your life
– never . but have 1 year ego . hurm ,
178. Broke up with someone to be with someone else
– not ready .
179. Told someone you were single and you really werent
– nope !
180. Flirt with people on chat lines while you are with someone – never laa !


181. How many friends do you have? -loads loads . ily !
182. How many best friends do you have?
–toomuch . uz,cha,yaya,aen,syro,kecik and etc
183. Do you trust your friends?
184. If so, who?
– uz n aen i trust her the most
185. Are any of your friends straight?
-I think
186. Are any of your friends Bi?
- Err wat ?
187. Do you tell your friends your secrets?
-yea sometimes
188. Who's the most hyper?
– yaya !
189. Funniest? – nabil,momo
190. Shyest?
191. Sweetest?
- nabila
192. Smartest?
– camer kowt ! ceb dea tinggi lol . haha , tiang elektrik .
193. Weirdest?
– akmal . len dari yg len . imy
194. Most gothic?
– ramai laa . ta t’list .
195. Loudest?
– aku laa ! haha ,
196. Quietest?
akmal again . hee ,
197.Who's your longest, known friend?
– harith
198. How many years?
-from my age is 4 .
199. The best memory with your friends?
-the time when we shared it together
200.How much do you love your best friends?
- ilovethemsomuch


201. Love is.... -one feeling that alive between two persons and there share it !
202. Do you like someone?-yeaaaa
203.Do you show him or her that you like them?
– nope .

204. Do you LOVE someone? - yeaa !

205. When was the last time you were in love? – 1 month ago . shit !
206. Do you still think about him/her? -yea . even da kene tipu gan dea . wtf !
207. Did you guys ever go to the next level? -yea he said we will go to the star tgthr haha
208. When do you mostly think about him/her? -esp before i go to bed . shit !
209. How long do your relationships usually last?
-mm i dont know
210. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?
– I’m single lol .
211. What do you look for in a guy/girl?
– dun noe
212. Do your parents care if you have a partner?
- theyre noe evrythng bout my partner .
213. Do you love to flirt?
– hurm ,
214. How tall should your partner be?
– nta . malas pk .
215. What hair colour should they have?
– black laa .
216.What kind of personality should they have?

217.Older or younger? - older
218. Serious or carefree? - serious pon okay
219. Spontainous or hesitant? - spontainous
220. Brutally honest or tight-lipped? -brutally honest
221. Beautiful/handsome or intelligent? - both
222. Should they make all the money? - yeaa and i will try to help him too
223. Do they need to cook? - idontcare
224. What is their best body part? – every part . hee ,
225. Desk job or physical labour? - desk job
226. What car should they drive? - idontcare
227. Who is your first love? – Muhammad faudzan . ily !
228. Do you have kids with this person?-are you insane?
229. Did you kiss? – never .
230. Are you still in love? – yeaa . I’m still in lurf wif him .
231. Do you still talk to him/her? -sometimes
232. How long did it last? – last friday HAHA
233. How do you feel about the relationship -I regret abt it.i shouldnt do tht
234. Are you still involved with each other - huhh?
235. When is the last time you saw him/her? – bulan 6 rie tuh . t’nampak dea lalu depan opis angah . imissyousyg.
236. How old was he/she - 18
237. Would you date him again –I hope so .
238. was this boring – not laa .
239. did it bring back memories – of course !
240. Last kiss – Syro n kecik kite kiss kan kan?hahha kiss pipi muah muah
241. Last person that broke your heart – mirul . vavi arh kaw !
242. Do you have someone that you can spend the rest of your life with?- dun noe who .
243. are u in a relationship right now an if so are you happy – not ! I’m single oke .
244. are u currently hiding feelings about someone ? – yes . my bff sory weyh ! ,
245. have u ever cheated on your partner? – sometimes . hee ,
246. have you ever kissed someone for the first time and almost fainted? - no
247. have you ever loved 2 people at once? - err no .
248 ever had that butterfly feeling in your stomach? – haha . wif ??
249. do you get tired of these questions(trick)? -a lil bit hahaa
250. is this the last question you'll answer? - seriously?

Tag to .



N sesape laa !

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